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Mastering Chess: Learn from Others' Mistakes to Improve Your Game (LEARN CHESS FROM OTHERS MISTAKE)

by Mandeep Saggu 23 Feb 2023 0 Comments

We begin chess by learning the opening to start our games. Then eventually progress to the middlegame and endgame. This is how we learn to start the game. Mostly, players or chess lovers pay attention to the opening of the game but playing all three phases makes a player a strong player. You can win games in the opening when you learn to play chess. As you initially progress, you will discover that you have a long way to go. To make your games last longer all you need to focus on your game and learn from others' mistakes. 

All you need is to collect the game series of grandmasters. To play all three phases of the game, study the games of masters. In the GM Damian Lemos video, you will learn how to play and analyze the game. Want to triumph in chess, you should learn chess principles. Memorize the moves when it comes to chess openings. Make sure to understand the opening principles. The four principles which you can learn. 

  • Progress your pieces quickly and towards the center.
  • Pay attention to your pawn and its structure.
  • The Castling, get your king to safety soon.
  • Don’t Underestimate a Lead in progression.

When you learn chess you need more than one piece to deliver a checkmate. The best thing is to get all your pieces active and within striking distance of your opponent’s king. It requires a lot more skill to win in chess than your opponent. You can achieve the game by seizing control of the center. From the start of the game, you get the most from your pieces by developing your pieces on squares. Paul Morphy made an excellent development against Marache.


The French Defense Advance Variation

Pawns can only move forward and can block your other pieces if you play carelessly. When you learn chess you will encounter the bad bishop and this position often occurs in french defense. As you can see the pawn blocks e6 is why the black light squared bishop is called a bad bishop. Whereas a good bishop is from the black dark-squared bishop. It is not blocked by the e6 and d5 pawns. You can add it to the game easier than the light-squared bishop.


The safety of the king is most important in chess. For that, you can sacrifice any other piece and continue playing. If you lose the king, you lose the game. You can check out the game between Evgeniy Najer and Dimitri Bocharov. and Deliver a checkmate, while white was able to expose the black king. It is easy to make out the two kings which king is more likely to survive. The white pawn arrangement is much better and protects the king. The black pawns are all confined and isolated.

In the game of chess, you could be tempted to end your opening study around move ten. Do not stop after the opening moves while learning chess openings. It is really beneficial to see what position you want to reach in chess openings. Of Course not to forget what is important to play in the middlegame. If you play through the game, you will learn many other themes like deflection, opening lines with sacrifices, and mating attacks. Isn’t it great! If these attacks can work against title players, then think how much more success you will have using them against your opponents.

Black must deal with Nd5 before castling because 6…0-0 loses in this position. If Black tried the same tactic with …Bg4 and …Nd4, it was ineffective.

Vassily Ivanchuk the chess master knew the danger of castling too early and played the position with Black. You will learn in opening theory when it is safe to castle and which side the castle is on.


It is really hard to learn each and every note of the theme, maybe the opening, middlegame, or endgame.

We learn chess as a part of the opening and not the middle game. A major sign you need to work on your opening is If you find yourself with undeveloped pieces in the middlegame. 

Some opening themes like piece activity, pawn structure, and centralization of your chess game. Your king will find a safe home in the opening, and your pieces will be ready to implement your middlegame strategies. Learning the typical middlegame positions that occur from an opening is very helpful. Gambit openings will be for you if you like to sacrifice not for those who enjoy playing positional chess.


It is most important to know your chess style while learning chess. Once you know your style, you can find strong players who play like you and of course study their games. 

Let’s talk about the greatest player of closed positions, a former world chess champion, Tigran Petrosian.

Pal Benko – Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian, 1962.05.02, 0-1, Curacao Candidates Round 19, Willemstad CUW


Choose the right openings that bring you to favorable middlegame positions, you can also learn chess strategies against the fianchetto.

Do pay attention to the mistakes made by the defender, while learning. You can avoid making these mistakes in your games with Fianchetto. How to attack the fianchetto will help you learn what is in the head of your opponent.

Chess master Bobby Fisher always enjoyed playing the fianchetto.

Look at his game in the 1962 Varna Olympiad. Playing fianchetto is the most vital aspect. 

Robert James Fischer Vs Sharav Purevzhav, in 1962.09.18, 1-0, 

Varna Olympiad qual-B Round 1, Varna BUL

Kotov and Gligoric in the 1953 Zurich Candidates Tournament is the best example of a fianchetto. 

Alexander Kotov Vs Svetozar Gligoric, 1953.10.14, Zurich Candidates Round 25, Zurich.


Playing a negligent endgame can cost many chess players. They lost points. Learning chess endings can earn valuable points in this phase of the game. You can learn practical endgames. The theoretical endgames require lots of book study. The best example to learn endgame is to study, Jose Raul Capablanca. In the 1921 world championship match against Lasker, Capablanca reached this position with Black.

Capablanca wrote, “This was white’s sealed move. It was not the best move, but it is doubtful white has any good system of defense.” To know not only how an endgame was won but also why it was lost. Keep it in mind! Try to familiarize yourself with some basic end-game concepts. How to play with your king, piece activity passed pawns, and much more. Always make notes of your game. Learn from your mistakes. All you can learn is winning techniques. By setting up the above position and playing both sides against the engine.

Here are some examples of Capablanca and how he won the endgame. 

  • Emanuel Lasker  Vs Jose Raul Capablanca, 1921.04.08, 0-1.
  • Lasker Vs Capablanca World Championship Match Round 10, Havana CUBA
  • Aron Nimzowitsch  Vs Jose Raul Capablanca, 1913.12.30, 0-1, Riga RUE

Do not rush, mastering the endgame is the journey of a lifetime. Learn the basics well and build your foundation strong. 


These games can inspire and excite you, apart from the knowledge you gain. The best and most efficient way to learn chess is by playing master's games. The chess game itself is attractive and more noticeable, that is the reason many of us choose to learn and play chess. 

 A good coach revitalizes your love for the game. This will surely help to keep your desire alive. Neither focus all your attention on other players' games nor neglect your own game. The collections of the chess game of great players and tournaments can be a huge success as you learn chess. To become a strong player, learn from your mistakes. Try to eliminate the mistakes. As a beginner always follows the instructions of the grandmasters.   

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